
Norwich Cathedral


Nowrich Cathedral has been a place of Christian worship for over 900 years.



Big Ben

観光バスから見た際、あまりに綺麗だったので、バスを降りてUndergroundでBig Benを観に戻った。
Londonでも、ここthe Palace of Westminsterと、the Tower of Londonは歴史を感じる、別空間。

Fish & Chips

新聞紙にくるまったfish & chipsを探し求めていたけれど(なんとなく、雰囲気あるでしょ)、ロンドンのショッピング街では見当たらず、レストランで食べました。やはり、Vinegarをたっぷりかけて、ビールと共に。
おいしー!M kunも喜んで食べていたからよかった。


A guide book of England

M kun bought me a guide book of England in Hong Kong.
Since I always stay in my room and work on my reports, he thought I should enjoy England more.

He also brought me a lot of presents: traditional German sweets (Lebkuchen), Quitten marmelade from Vienna, Italian design cusion, and fruits pick for a fruits eater (<-- me).

I could see he always thinks about me...
Thank you, honey!


M kun、もしやペアルック好き?

普段、私がその辺りにあるTシャツを着て寝る一方、M kunは心地良さそうなパジャマを着て準備万端の格好で寝る(布団もちゃんと首までかけて)。それを指摘しておもしろがっていたら今回、『クールなパジャマを買った。』と新パジャマを披露してくれた。「ほんとだ、カッコイイじゃん。」と褒めていたら、『このパジャマ買ったら、ペアにしなくちゃと思って、Kのも買ってきた。』とおそろいのブランドのパジャマをプレゼントしてくれた。ペアにしてくれてありがとう☆

次々とスーツケースからプレゼントが飛び出てくる。今度は広州のIKEAで買ったスリッパをプレゼントしてくれた。私は日本人なので、(家の中を靴で歩く海外では)スリッパは必需品。私がいつも「スリッパ、スリッパ」と騒ぐのを覚えていてくれたみたい。そして、もちろんスリッパも色違い☆ 黄色が私で、青がM kun。早速、二人でホテル内で履いてみる。「VEry comfortable♪(これ本当に快適で、ちょっとオススメです)」
あれ?でも、M kunスリッパ使ったっけ?案の定、履きなれてないせいか、すぐにどこかに置き忘れていた。

London & Norwich

M kun came to visit me from 25 Nov until 29 Nov.

I had worked so hard for this, so his visit was like a reward or present for me :-D

We loved London very much☆
and I hope he enjoyed Norwich.

Thank you for coming, honey.

25/11/2006 - 27/11/2006 Landmark hotel, London
27/11/2006 - 29/11/2006 Domitory, Norwich


A Christmas card

my専属P.T.AのJ san & Mu san,
Thank you for a nice nice Christmas card!
I like it so much☆



Walking around the Lake

One thing I like about this campus is that the university has a very beautiful lake, just 5 min. from my domitory.

It feels so good to walk around the lake in the morning when air is cool & fresh.


London Pride

I asked my professor who likes alcohol a lot why British people like Ale so much.
He told me it tastes good to drink from the wooden barrel.......
I was going to try all kinds of Ale while in England, but I think I will stop here!
I don't think I would ever like them.


Farmer's Market

I went to the Farmer's market on Sunday. Vegitables & fruits sold there are very fresh and good price compare to supermarkets.

I bought red potatoes (2kg) and organic kale (0.5kg) for the first time. Kale sounds very 'healthy' to me and I wanted to know how it tastes.
(Fresh kale is not something you can get easily in Japan.)

I asked a farmer lady how to cook the kale, and she told me to just fry or put in the soup. So, I tried!

Here is the simple dish of kale + potato (with pepper & salt). I liked it very much. The soup tasted even better!

a sunset

a sunset view from my room



I haven't mentioned about my study (I'm not only cooking!).
I am taking 4 classes this semester, majoring in 'Strategic Information Systems'.

4 classes are;
1. Internet and Multimedia Technologies (Computer Science)
2. Introduction to Information Systems (Computer Science)
3. Marketing and Strategy: Markets, Competitors and Customers (Business School)
4. Information Systems and Operations (Business School)

Each class has at least one assignment and I'm struggling with it every day.
So, far I finished 3 assignments, 7,500 words in total. And, there still 4,000 words to go...
wish me luck...

Chinese sweet soup

My flatmate made another Chinese soup, lily root soup(ゆり根のスープ)! wao.
"Good for skin", she says.

It has slightly sweet taste and some daisy & lotus seeds inside (she gave me 2 daisies :-D ). This taste is really Chinese.

I will get dried lily root in China and cook myself next time.


brewed in UK

I see 'Stella Artois' everywhere in here, so I thought this beer is a British beer!
I was ready to say that my favorite British beer is Stella Artois, but it was actually Belgium's beer (brewed in UK) ..... M kun taught me.

therefore, still searching for a good British beer.
I think I will start from ALE (=>very british).


My Recent Boom

なんと、パパイヤとPork Ribのスープ。


まず、塩したPork Ribを1時間半ゆでる(灰汁と浮いた油はきれいにとってね)。





Thank you Mother!


土曜日に送付してくれた荷物が、水曜日に到着するなんて、日本って本当に素晴らしい(ドイツからM kunが送ってくれたポストカードは、同じEU内なのに2週間かかった)。

